It's Becoming Clear As The Day Is Long That Lacrosse Needs To Overtake Baseball For The Safety Of America's Youth

Todd Kirkland. Getty Images.

Baseball is clearly experiencing an elbow epidemic at the moment. Every time you turn around, there's another big pitcher whose season is getting cut short after needing to get Thomas John Surgery. And as we saw with Bryce Harper the other year, it's not even just pitchers who are throwing out their elbows. There's obviously something going on within in the sport of baseball that is tearing these ligaments to shreds. 

Perhaps it's the pitch clock. 

Perhaps it's new pitching mechanics taught to these players at a young age to help ramp up their velocity. Perhaps it's a combination of both. Regardless, you can't deny the fact that surgeons all across America right now are able to buy a 3rd or 4th vacation home all thanks to baseball players. Basically what I'm getting at here is that if you sign your kid up to play baseball this spring, you're essentially signing them up to get Tommy John at some point in their life.

There has to be another option, right? There needs to be a safer, more fun, and more exciting option for kids to play a sport during the spring that doesn't result in them getting major surgery performed on their elbow at some point in there life. 

Oh yeah. That's right. Lacrosse exists. 

And it's not even just the fact that it's a more entertaining product on account of being faster, more physical, and requires more athleticism to play than baseball. It's just a matter of public safety at this point. If you care about the health and well-being of your children, then lacrosse is the way to go. 

It makes them better people, too. It builds more character We'd be making America a better country by taking more kids out of baseball and putting them into lacrosse. Moral of the story is that baseball = Tommy John surgery, lacrosse = getting this nation back on the right track. Seems like an easy decision to make. If you hate kids and hate America, then have fun at baseball practice. 



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